Self-Leadership for Codependents: Unveiling a Path to Empowerment Through Self-Help

"I embarked on this journey to shine a light on the path of self-leadership for those who feel overshadowed by their codependency. This series is more than just a collection of episodes; it's an invitation to embark on a transformative journey. My hope is that each listener finds the courage within themselves to embrace self-leadership and step into a life of empowered independence."

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Self-Leadership for Codependents: A Podcast Series

As you know, I have been working with codependents for many years. As time has gone on, I have developed methods in order to help codependents manage their codependency, become aware and to take action to find themselves. This is an extremely important process and one that can lead to a more fulfilling life and to feel better in relationships. For this reason, I have developed a programme with this firmly in mind and I think it might be of interest to you.

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